



1 .Turbulent flows/ Stephen B. Pope.

Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2000.

2. Introduction to solid-state theory/ Otfried Madelung ; translated by B.C. Taylor.

北京 :世界图书出版公司, 2003.

3. Statistical mechanics = 统计力学/ R.K. Pathria.

2nd ed.

[Singapore] : Elsevier(Singapore) Pte Ltd. ; 北京 : 世界图书出版公司, 2003.

4. Geometry VI : Riemannian geometry / M.M. Postnikov. Berlin ; London : Springer, c2001.

5. 连续:6.1 /()Л. И. 谢多夫著 李植译, 北京:高等教育出版社,2007.09

6. The finite element method for fluid dynamics/ O.C. Zienkiewicz, R.L. Taylor, P. Nithiarasu.

6th ed.

北京 : 世界图书出版公司, 2009.

7. Algebra / Serge Lang.

Rev. 3rd ed.

北京 : 世界图书出版公司, 2004.

8. 学计算和C程序集 /蒋长锦编著


9. Introduction to the Theory of Algebraic Functions of One Variable /Claude Chevalley

Procidence,Rhode Island American Mathematical Society c1951

10.Encyclopedic dictionary of mathematics/ by the Mathematical Society of Japan ; edited by Kiyosi Ito.

2nd ed. Vol.2

Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c1987.

11.Encyclopedic dictionary of mathematics/ by the Mathematical Society of Japan ; edited by Kiyosi Ito.

2nd ed. Vol.3

Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c1987.

12.Encyclopedic dictionary of mathematics/ by the Mathematical Society of Japan ; edited by Kiyosi Ito.

2nd ed. Vol.1

Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c1987.

13. Single variable calculus : early transcendentals / James Stewart.

4th ed.

Pacific Grove, Calif. : Brooks/Cole, c1999.

14. Complex variables and applications / James Ward Brown, Ruel V. Churchill.

6th ed.

New York : McGraw-Hill, c1996.

15. Fourier series and boundary value problems/ James Ward Brown, Ruel V. Churchill.

6th ed.

Boston : McGraw-Hill, c2001.

16. Mathematical biosciences and engineering : MBE.

Springfield, MO : American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2004-

17. Statistical decision theory and Bayesian analysis/ James O. Berger.


2nd ed.

北京 : 世界图书出版公司, 2004.

18. Geometric measure theory/ Herbert Federer.


北京 : 世界图书出版公司, 2004.

19. Topological methods in algebraic geometry/ Friedrich Hirzebruch.


北京 : 世界图书出版公司, 2004.

20. Algebraic topology - Homotopy and homolog/ Robert M. Switzer.


北京 : 世界图书出版公司, 2004

21. Symmetry and integration methods for differential equations /George W. Bluman, Stephen C. Anco.


北京 : 世界图书出版公司, 2004

22. 拓扑的微分形式:影印版/R.Bott等著


23. Proceedings of Gökova geometry-topology conference 1993 / editors, Selman Akbulut, Turgut Önder.

[Istanbul, Turkey] : Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, [1994]

24. Proceedings of Gökova geometry-topology conference 2001 / editors, Selman Akbulut, Turgut Önder.

[Istanbul, Turkey] : Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, [2002]

25. Proceedings of Gökova geometry-topology conference 1998 / editors, Selman Akbulut, Turgut Önder.

[Istanbul, Turkey] : Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, [1999]

26. The Asian journal of mathematics : AJM.

Cambridge, MA : International Press, Inc., c1997-

27. Homotopy limit functors on model categories and homotopical categories/ William G. Dwyer ... [et al.].

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2004.

28. Entire functions and related parts of analysis.

[Proceedings. Edited by Jacob Korevaar and others]

Providence, American Mathematical Society, 1968.

29. Current Developments in Mathematics,2007/ David Jerison...[et al.].editors

International Press c2003

30. 数学/ 弗雷德 S. 伯茨, 巴里・特斯曼著. 2.

北京 : China machine press, 2005.

31. 论与方法/ 拉・戈文拉玉.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2005.

32. 数学规划导论/ 拉塞尔 C 沃克著.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2005.

33. 线规划导论/ 尼德・尼森・瓦斯坦, 克里斯托弗・卡特利尔・伯恩著.

北京 : China Machine Press, c2005.

34. Introductory combinatorics = 组合数学/ Richard A. Brualdi. 5th ed.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2009.

35. Concrete mathematics : a foundation for computer science / Ronald L. Graham, Donald E. Knuth, Oren Patashnik.

2nd ed.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2002.

36. Discrete mathematics = 离散数学/ John A. Dossey ... [et al.]

5th ed.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2006.

37. Linear algebra with applications = 线性代数/ Steven J. Leon.

7th ed.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2007.

38. Discrete mathematics and its applications = 离散数学及其应用 / Kenneth H. Rosen.

6th ed.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2008.

39.A first course in abstract algebra : with applications = 抽象代数基础教程/ Joseph J. Rotman.

3rd ed.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2006.

40. 学讲义 /李乔 2


41. Real analysis and probability = 实分析和概率论/ R.M. Dudley. 2nd ed.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2006.

42. Discrete mathematics and its applications = 离散数学及其应用 / Kenneth H. Rosen. 5th ed.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2003.

43. Applied regression analysis and other multivariable methods = 应用回归分析和其他多元方法 / David G. Kleinbaum ...[et al.]. 3rd ed.

北京 : China Machine Press ; Thomson Learning, 2003.

44. Algebra = 代数 / Michael Artin.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2004.

45. An introduction to stochastic processes = 随机过程导论 / Edward P.C. Kao.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2003.

46. A course of pure mathematics = 纯数学教程 / G.H. Hardy. 10th ed.

Beijing : China Machine Press, 2004.

47. A friendly introduction to number theory = 数论概论 / Joseph H. Silverman. 3rd ed.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2006.

48. Advanced calculus = 高等微积分/ Patrick M. Fitzpatrick. 2nd ed.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2006.

49.数论及其/ 肯尼斯 H.罗森著. 5.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2005.

50.微分几何及其 / 约翰・奥普里著. 2

北京 : 机械工业出版社, 2005.

51. 用偏微分方程 / 理查德・哈伯曼著. 4.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2005.

52. A first course in mathematical modeling = 数学建模 / Frank R. Giordano ... [et al.].

4th ed.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2009.

53. Complex variables and applications = 复变函数及应用 / James Ward Brown, Ruel V. Churchill. 8th ed.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2009

54. A course in approximation theory = 逼近论教程 / Ward Cheney, Will Light.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2004.

55. Introduction to time-frequency and wavelet transforms = 时频变换与小波变换导论 / 钱世锷著.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2005.

56. 学计导论 : 使用MATLAB的矩阵向量方法 / 查尔斯 F. 范龙著.


北京 : China Machine Press, 2005.

57. Fundamentals of Complex Analysis with applications to engineering and science = 复分析基础及工程应用 / E. B. Saff, A. D. Snider等著.

3rd ed.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2004.

58. Functional analysis = 泛函分析/ Walter Rudin. 2nd ed.

北京: China Machine Press, 2004.

59. Logic in computer science : modelling and reasoning about systems = 面向计算机科学的数理逻辑系统建模与推理 / Michael Huth, Mark Ryan. 2nd ed.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2005.

60. The mathematics of finance : modeling and hedging = 金融数学 / Joseph Stampfli, Victor Goodman.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2003.

61. Principles of mathematical analysis = 数学分析原理/ Walter Rudin.

3rd ed.

北京 : China Machine Press : McGraw-Hill Education (Asia) Co., 2004.

62. An introduction to fluid dynamics = 流体动力学导论 / George K. Batchelor.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2004.

63. Linear algebra with applications = 线性代数 / Steven J. Leon. 6th ed.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2004.

64. Complex analysis = 复分析 / Lars V. Ahlfors. 3rd ed.

北京 : China Machine Press ; McGraw-Hill Education(Asia), 2004.

65. Mathematical modeling = 数学建模方法与分析/ Mark M. Meerschaert.

3rd ed.

北京 : China Machine Press, 2009

66. Dynamical systems VII : integrable systems, nonholonomic dynamical systems = 动力系统 VII : 可积系统, 不完整动力系统 / V.I. Arnol'd, S.P. Novikov (eds.).

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

67. Iterative methods for sparse linear systems = 稀疏线性系统的迭代方法 / Yousef Saad.

2nd ed.

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

68. Image processing and analysis : variational, PDE, wavelet, and stochastic methods = 图像处理与分析 : 变分, PDE, 小波及随机方法 / Tony F. Chan, Jianhong Shen.

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

69. Methods of homological algebra = 同调代数方法 / Sergei I. Gelfand, Yuri I. Manin.

2nd ed.

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

70. Tauberian theory : a century of developments = 陶伯理论 : 百年进展 / Jacob Korevaar.

北京 : 科学出版社, 2007.

71. Number theory IV : Transcendental numbers = 数论 IV : 超越数 / A.N. Parshin, I.R. Shafarevich (eds.).

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

72. Topology II : homotopy and homology, classical manifolds = 拓扑学 II : 同伦与同调, 经典流形 / S.P. Novikov, V.A. Rokhlin (eds.).

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009

73. Berkeley problems in mathematics = 伯克利数学问题集 / Paulo Ney de Souza, Jorge-Nuno Silva.

3rd ed.

北京 : 科学出版社, 2007.

74. Dynamical systems V : bifurcation theory and catastrophe theory = 动力系统 V : 分歧理论和突变理论 / V.I. Arnol'd (ed.).

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

75. Partial differential equations IV : microlocal analysis and hyperbolic equations = 偏微分方程 IV : 微局部分析和双曲型方程 / Yu.V. Egorov, M.A. Shubin (eds.).

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

76. Galois theory of linear differential equations = 线性微分方程的伽罗瓦理论 / Marius van der Put, Michael F. Singer.

北京 : 科学出版社, 2007.

77. Model theory : an introduction = 模型论引论/ David Marker.

北京 : 科学出版社, 2007.

78. Recursively enumerable sets and degrees : a study of computable functions and computably generated sets = 递归可枚举集和图灵度 : 可计算函数与可计算生成集研究 / Robert I. Soare.

北京 : 科学出版社, 2007.

79. Riemannian geometry = 黎曼几何 / Peter Petersen. 2nd ed.

北京 : 科学出版社, 2007.

80. Unsolved problems in number theory = 数论中未解决的问题 / Richard K. Guy.

3rd ed.

北京 : 科学出版社, c2007.

81. Research problems in discrete geometry = 离散几何中的研究问题 / Peter Brass, William Moser, János Pach.

北京 : 科学出版社, 2007.

82. Theory of operator algebras I : 算子代数理论 I / Masamichi Takesaki.

北京 : 科学出版社, 2007.

83. Mathematical aspects of classical and celestial mechanics = 经典力学与天体力学中的数学问题 / Vladimir I. Arnold, Valery V. Kozlov, Anatoly I. Neishtadt.

3rd ed.

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009

84. Algebraic complexity theory = 代数复杂性理论 /Peter Bèurgisser, Michael Clausen, M. Amin Shokrollahi ; with the collaboration of Thomas Lickteig.

北京 : 科学出版社, c2007.

85. Dynamics beyond uniform hyperbolicity : a global geometric and probabilistic perspective = 一致双曲性之外的动力学 : 一种整体的几何学的与概率论的观点/ Christian Bonatti, Lorenzo J. Díaz, Marcelo Viana.

北京 : 科学出版社, 2007.

86. Algebraic number theory = 代数数论/ Jürgen Neukirch.

北京 : 科学出版社, 2007.

87. Computational invariant theory = 计算不变量理论/ Harm Derksen, Gregor Kemper.

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

88. Geometry III : theory of surfaces = 几何 III : 曲面理论 / Yu. D. Burago, V.A. Zalgaller (eds.).

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

89. Geometry VI : riemannian geometry = 几何 VI : 黎曼几何 / M.M. Postnikov.

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

90. Algebraic geometry III : complex algebraic varieties, algebraic curves and their Jacobians = 代数几何 III : 复代数簇, 代数曲线及雅可比行列式/ A.N. Parshin, I.R. Shafarevich (eds.).

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

91. Geometry IV : non-regular Riemannian Geometry = 几何 IV : 非正规黎曼几何/ Yu. G. Reshetnyak (ed.).

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

92. Lie groups and Lie algebras III : structure of Lie groups and Lie algebras = 李群与李代数 III : 李群与李代数的结构

/ A.L. Onishchik, E.B. Vinberg (eds.).

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

93. Complex analysis I : entire and meromorphic functions, polyanalytic functions and their generalizations : 复分析 I : 整函数与亚纯函数, 多解析函数及其广义性 / A.A. Gonchar, V.P. Harvin, N.K. Nikolski (eds.).

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

94. Commutative harmonic analysis I : general survey, classical aspects = 交换调和分析 I : 总论, 古典问题 / V.P. Khavin, N.K. Nikol'skij (eds.).

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

95. Geometry V : minimal surfaces = 几何 V : 最小曲/ R. Osserman (ed.).

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

96. Lie groups and Lie algebras I : foundations of Lie theory, Lie transformation groups = 李群与李代数 I : 李理论基础, 李交换群 / A.L. Onishchik (ed.).

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

97. Algebraic geometry IV : linear algebraic groups, invariant theory = 代数几何 IV : 线性代数群, 不变量理论 / A.N. Parshin, I.R. Shafarevich (eds.).

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

98. Algebraic geometry V : fano varieties = 代数几何 V : Fano / A.N. Parshin, I.R. Shafarevich (eds.).

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

99. Algebraic geometry I : algebraic curves, algebraic manifolds and schemes = 代数几何 I : 代数曲线, 代数流型与概型

/ I.R. Shafarevich (ed.).

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

100. Numerical methods for unconstrained optimization and nonlinear equations = 无约束最优化与非线性方程的数值方法 / J.E. Dennis, Jr., Robert B. Schnabel.

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

101. Geometry II : spaces of constant curvature = 几何II : 常曲率空间/ E.B. Vinberg (ed.).

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

102. Geometry I : basic ideas and concepts of differential geometry = 几何 I : 微分几何基本思想与概念/ R.V. Gamkrelidze (ed.).

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

103. Dynamical systems X : general theory of vortices = 动力系统 X : 漩涡的一般理论 / V.V. Kozlov.

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

104. Computer methods for ordinary differential equations and differential-algebraic equations = 常微分方程和微分代数方程的计算机方法 / Uri M. Ascher, Linda R. Petzold.

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

105. Dynamical systems IX : dynamical systems with hyperbolic behaviour = 动力系统 IX : 带有双曲性的动力系统

/ D. V. Anosov (ed.).

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

106. Dynamical systems VIII : singularity theory II : applications = 动力系统 VIII : 奇异理论 II : 应用 / V.I. Arnol'd (ed.).

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

107. Algebraic geometry II : Cohomology of algebraic varieties, Algebraic surfaces = 代数几何II : 代数簇的上同调, 代数曲面 / I.R. Shafarevich (ed.)

北京 : 科学出版社, 2007.

108. Inverse problem theory and methods for model parameter estimation = 模型参数估计的反问题理论与方法 / Albert Tarantola.

北京 : 科学出版社, 2009.

109. Geometry VI : Riemannian geometry / M.M. Postnikov.

Berlin ; London : Springer, c2001.

110. The world of mathematics; a small library of the literature of mathematics from A'-mose the scribe to Albert Einstein / James R. Newman.

New York, Simon and Schuster, 1956. vol.1

111. The world of mathematics; a small library of the literature of mathematics from A'-mose the scribe to Albert Einstein / James R. Newman.

New York, Simon and Schuster, 1956. vol.2

112. The world of mathematics; a small library of the literature of mathematics from A'-mose the scribe to Albert Einstein / James R. Newman.

New York, Simon and Schuster, 1956. vol.3

113. The world of mathematics; a small library of the literature of mathematics from A'-mose the scribe to Albert Einstein / James R. Newman.

New York, Simon and Schuster, 1956. vol.4

114.Poisson geometry, deformation quantisation and group representations / edited by Simone Gutt, John Rawnsley, Daniel Sternheimer.

Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005.

115. Reconstructive integral geometry / Victor Palamodov.

Boston : Birkh[Ux00e4]uer Verlag, 2004.

116. Graph algorithms and applications 4 / editors, Giuseppe Liotta, Roberto Tamassia, Iaonnis G Tollis.

Singapore ; Hackensack, N.J. : World Scientific, c2006.

117. Reconstructive integral geometry / Victor Palamodov.

Boston : Birkh[Ux00e4]uer Verlag, 2004.

118. Orthogonal functions / Giovanni Sansone ; translated from the Italian by Ainsley H. Diamond ; With a foreword by Einar Hille.

Mineola, N.Y. : Dover Publications, 2004.

119. Value distribution theory and related topics / edited by G. Barsegian, I. Laine, C.C. Yang.

Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c2004.

120. An invitation to quantum groups and duality : from Hopf algebras to multiplicative unitaries and beyond / Thomas Timmermann.

Zürich, Switzerland : European Mathematical Society, c2008

121. Representation theory and higher algebraic K-theory / Aderemi Kuku.

Boca Raton, FL : Chapman & Hall/CRC, c2007.

122. My numbers, my friends : popular lectures on number theory / Paulo Ribenboim.

New York : Springer, c2000.

123. A history of algorithms : from the pebble to the microchip / Jean-Luc Chabert (ed.).

Berlin : Springer, c1999.

124. Geometric invariant theory and decorated principal bundles / Alexander H.W. Schmitt.

Zürich : European Mathematical Society, c2008.

125. Applied proof theory : proof interpretations and their use in mathematics / U. Kohlenbach.

Berlin : Springer, c2008.

126. Shape analysis and structuring / editors, Leila De Floriani, Michela Spagnuolo.

Berlin : Springer, c2008.

127. Optimization / Kenneth Lange.

New York : Springer, c2004.

128. Handbook of tilting theory / edited by Lidia Angeleri Hügel, Dieter Happel, Henning Krause.

Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, c2007.

129. Global surgery formula for the Casson-Walker invariant / by Christine Lescop.

Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1996.

130. Prospects in topology : proceedings of a conference in honor of William Browder / edited by Frank Quinn.

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1995.

131. Markov processes from K. It?'s perspective / by Daniel W. Stroock.

Princeton, N.J. : Oxford : Princeton University Press, 2003.

132. On knots / by Louis H. Kauffman.

Beijing : World Publishing Corp., 1990.

133. Diffusion, quantum theory, and radically elementary mathematics / edited by William G. Faris.

Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, c2006.

134. Lectures on resolution of singularities / János Kollár.

Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2007.

135. Rigid local systems / by Nicholas M. Katz.

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1996.

136. Lie groups, lie algebras, and cohomology / by Anthony W. Knapp.

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1988.

137. The admissible dual of GL(N) via compact open subgroups / by Colin J. Bushnell and Philip C. Kutzko.

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1993.

138.Hardy spaces on homogeneous groups / by G.B. Folland and E.M. Stein.

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press ; [Tokyo] : University of Tokyo Press, 1982.

139. 数学物理方程/季孝达, 薛兴恒, 陆英编


140. Functions of several complex variables and their singularities / Wolfgang Ebeling ; translated by Philip G. Spain.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2007.

141. Fine regularity of solutions of elliptic partial differential equations / Jan Maly, William P. Ziemer.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c1997.

142. Trace ideals and their applications / Barry Simon.

2nd ed.

Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society, 2005.

143. K-theory of forms/ Anthony Bak

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press ; [Tokyo] : University of Tokyo Press, 1981.

144. On the topology of isolated singularities in analytic spaces/ Jose Seade

Basel ; Boston : Birkh?user Verlag, c2006.

145. Fourier-Mukai and Nahm transforms in geometry and mathematical physics / Claudio Bartocci, Ugo Bruzzo, Daniel Hernández Ruipérez.

Boston : Birkh?user, c2009.

146. The theory of subnormal operators/ John B. Conway

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c1991.

147. Seminar on minimal submanifolds/ Enrico Bombieri

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1983.

148. Rigid analytic geometry and its applications / Jean Fresnel, Marius van der Put.

Boston : Birkh?user, c2004.

149. Representations of semisimple Lie algebras in the BGG category O / James E. Humphreys.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2008.

150. The Seiberg-Witten equations and applications to the topology of smooth four-manifolds / by John W. Morgan.

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1996.

151. Growth of algebras and Gelfand-Kirillov dimension /Gunter R.Krause, Thomas H. Lenagan.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2000.

152. A modern theory of integration / Robert G. Bartle.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2001.

153. Structural properties of polylogarithms /Lewin,editor

USA American Mathematical Society c1991

154. The general topology of dynamical systems /Ethan Akin

Providence,R.I. American Mathematical Society c1993

155.Lectures on Quantum Groups/ Pavel Etingof ,Olivier Schiffmann

2nd ed.

International Press c2002

156. Someville,MA 02143 USA Three -Dimensional Link Theory and invariants of plane curve singularities /David Eisenbud,Walter Neumann

Princeton : Preceton University Press c1985

157 Crossed products of C*-algebras/ Dana P. Williams

Providence,Rhode Island American Mathematical Society c2007

158. Cathleen Morawetz ,a great mathematician /Editior of MAA

International Press

159.Spectral theory of non-self-adjoint two-point differential operators / John Locker.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2000.

160. Lectures on the orbit method / A.A. Kirillov.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2004.

161. Cogroups and co-rings in categories of associative rings / George M. Bergman, Adam O. Hausknecht.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c1996.

162. Algebra : chapter 0 / Paolo Aluffi.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2009.

163. Global calculus / S. Ramanan.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2005.

164.Lectures on Quantum Groups /Pavel Etingof ,Olivier Schiffmann

2nd ed.

Someville,MA 02143 USA International Press c2002

165. The backward shift on the Hardy space / Joseph A. Cima, William T. Ross.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2000.

166. Approximate approximations / Vladimir Maz'ya, Gunther Schmidt.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2007.

167.An introduction to CR structures / Howard Jacobowitz.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c1990.

168. Topics in optimal transportation / Cédric Villani.

Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society, c2003.

169. The convenient setting of global analysis / Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, 1997.

170. Higher topos theory / Jacob Lurie.

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 2009.

171. Harmonic Analysis and its Applications /Akihiko Miyachi,Eiichi Nakai,Masami Okada

Osaka Yokohama Publishers c2006

172. Current developments in mathematics, 2004.

Cambridge, MA : International Press, c2006-

173.Current Developments in Mathematics,2001 / B.Mazur...[et.al.].editors

preliminary edition

International Press c2001

174. Differential geometry : [proceedings of the Symposium in Pure Mathematics of the American 174.Mathematical Society, held at Stanford University, Stanford, California, July 30-August 17, 1973 / edited by S. S. Chern and R. Osserman].

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, 1975.

175. Problems on mapping class groups and related topics / Benson Farb, editor.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2006.

176. Symmetric inverse semigroups / Stephen Lipscomb.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c1996.

177. Noncommutative harmonic analysis / Michael E. Taylor.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c1986.

178. Algebraic number fields / Gerald J. Janusz.

Algebraic number fields / Gerald J. Janusz.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c1996.

179. Operators,functions,and systems : an easy reading / Nikolai K.Nikolski ; [translated by Andreas Hartmannn and greatly revised by the author].

Providence,R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2002

180. Chaos in partial differential equations / Y. Charles Li.

Somerville, MA : International Press, [2004?]

181. Positive polynomials and sums of squares / Murray Marshall.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2008.

182. Outer billiards on kites / Richard Evan Schwartz.

Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2009.

183. The concentration of measure phenomenon / Michel Ledoux.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2001.

184. Applied asymptotic analysis / Peter D. Miller.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2006.

185. The hypoelliptic Laplacian and Ray-Singer metrics /Jean-Michel Bismut,Gilles Lebeau.

41 William Street,Princeton,New Jersey 08540 Princeton University Press c2008

186. The Ricci flow : techniques and applications / Bennett Chow ... [et al.].

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2007-< 2010 >

187. Harmonic analysis in phase space / by Gerald B. Folland.

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1989.

188. Noetherian rings and their applications / Lance W. Small, editor.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c1987.

189. Lectures on Quantum Groups Pavel Etingof /Olivier Schiffmann

2nd ed.

Someville,MA 02143 USA International Press c2002

190. The Bieberbach conjecture : proceedings of the Symposium on the Occasion of the Proof / Albert Baernstein II ... [et. al.], editors.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c1986.

191.Ordinary differential equations / Stephen Salaff and Shing-tung Yau.

2nd ed.

Cambridge, MA : International Press, c1998.

192. Introduction to the Theory of Algebraic Functions of One Variable / Claude Chevalley

Procidence,Rhode Island American Mathematical Society c1951

193. Moment maps and combinatorial invariants of Hamiltonian T?n-spaces / Victor Guillemin.

Boston : Birkhèauser, c1994.

194. Combinatorial rigidity / Jack Graver, Brigitte Servatius, Herman Servatius.

Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society, c1993.

195. Pseudodifferential operators and applications / [edited by Fran?cois Tráeves].

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c1985.

196. Current Developments in Mathematics,2002 / David Jerison...[et al.].editors

International Press c2003

197. Quasiconformal Teichmüller theory / Frederick P. Gardiner, Nikola Lakic.

Providence, R.I. American Mathematical Society, c2000.

198. Number theoretic density and logical limit laws / Stanley N. Burris.

Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society, 2000.

199. The ergodic theory of lattice subgroups / Alexander Gorodnik, Amos Nevo.

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2010.

200. C0-groups, commutator methods, and spectral theory of N-Body Hamiltonians / Werner O. Amrein, Anne Boutet de Monvel, Vladimir Georgescu.

Basel ; Boston : Birkhèauser Verlag, c1996.

201. Hyperfunctions on hypo-analytic manifolds / by Paulo D. Cordaro and Franois Treves.

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1994.

202. Functional analysis on the eve of the 21st century / Simon Gindikin, James Lepowsky, Robert L. Wilson, editors.

Boston : Birkh?user, c1995-c1996.

203. Moments, monodromy, and perversity : a diophantine perspective / by Nicholas M. Katz.

Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2005.

204. Automorphic representations of unitary groups in three variables / by Jonathan D. Rogawski.

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1990.

205. Differential geometry Geometry in mathematical physics and related topics / Robert Greene and S.T. Yau, editors.

Vol.51,part 2

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, 1993.

206. Conjugacy classes in semisimple algebraic groups / James E. Humphreys.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c1995.