中国科大数星空体育网页版(中国)官方网站/登录/入口几何学 Seminar 系列讲座之三十四



题 目: Explicit construction of certain complete extremal Kaehler metrics with at most two cusp ends

报告人: 许斌  中国科学技术大学

时 间: 9月27日(周二) 14:30-16:30

地 点: 管理科研楼 1318 教室

摘 要: We will talk about the explicit construction of complete extremal Kaehler metrics on a C* bundle or a holomorphic line bundle over a compact Kahler manifold with non-negative constant scalar curvature. These metrics have cusp singularities along the ends at infinity. The idea could go back to Page's construction of the non-homogeneous Hermitian Einstein metric on the blow up of CP^2 at one point. We shall also give two examples, whose Kahlerian compactifications are CP^2 and the first Hirzebruch surface, respectively. This is a joint work with Qing Chen and Xiaowei Xu.

