






Project 1---Dynamics of Contractile ring assembly and construction in C. 
elegans combining experimental and computational approaches (Prof. Edwin 
Department    Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology
Description    The goal of this project is to understand the mechanisms that 
govern the self-assembly and constriction of the actomyosin-based 
contractile ring during cytokinesis. We are using early embryonic cells of 
the nematode worm C. elegans as a model system because they divide in a 
highly stereotyped way; they are directlyaccessible to high resolution 
microscopy and they are easily manipulated using standard physical and 
genetic approaches. Our basic approach will combine three elements: (1) 
Multicolor TIRF microscopy combined with quantitative image analysis (single 
molecule and fluorescent speckle particle tracking, PIV) to quantify 
assembly, reorganization and turnover of contractile ring components at very 
high spatial and temporal resolution; (2) Agent-based computer simulations 
to explore how observed contractile ring dynamics could emerge from known 
properties of actin filaments, myosin motors, and their local interactions 
and (3) molecular and pharmacological perturbations to test key predictions 
of these models.  
Depending on the interests and background, a student intern would work on 
one or more of these approaches under the guidance of a graduate student or 
postdoctoral fellow.

Project 2 ---Dynamics of Par Protein segregation in C. elegans (Prof. Edwin 
Department    Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology
Description    The Par proteins form a highly conserved system that “
partitions” the cell surface into distinct and complementary domains in 
many different cellular contexts. In the early C. elegans embryo, the Par 
proteins respond to a polarizing cue by segregating into anterior and 
posterior domains, and then remain segregated after the cue departs. Recent 
studies suggest that this involves a highly dynamic competition between “
anterior” and “posterior” Par proteins involving rapid exchange of 
proteins between the cytoplasm and the cell surface, local diffusion at the 
cell surface, and cross inhibitory interactions in which anterior Par 
proteins promote local dissociation of posterior Par proteins and posterior 
Par proteins promote local dissociation of anterior Par proteins.  
We have recently developed methods that allow us monitor the appearance, 
movement and disappearance of Par proteins at the cell surface with single 
molecule resolution. The goal of this project will be to use this approach 
to quantify the dynamics of exchange, diffusion and competition between 
anterior and posterior Par proteins, then fit these data to computational 
models to determine how the macroscopic dynamics of polarization emerge from 
molecular level dynamics and interactions.

Project 3 --- Multiple Testing with Extremely Spare Signal (Prof. Hongyuan 
Department    Health Studies
Description    In contemporary biomedical research, it is common to measure 
many different features simultaneously with the hope to detect useful 
features that are related to disease outcome. Such data structure exhibits “
large p small n” phenomenon in the sense that the dimensionality (p) far 
exceeds the sample size (n).
Cao and Kosorok (2011) tackled high dimensional simultaneous testing by 
using t-tests. Their method is shown to be robust against the hidden 
Markovian structure underlying different hypotheses. An important assumption 
they made is that the proportion of alternative hypothesis is a fixed 
constant. However, as the dimension grows, it is quite plausible that the 
number of useful features is fixed or it grows at a slower rate, thus the 
proportion of alternative hypotheses goes to 0.
We propose to study the multiple testing asymptotics under extremely sparse 
alternative hypotheses using hidden markovian model. A simple example is 
that the probability of switching from null hypothesis to null hypothesis is 
1 − 1/p and the probability of switching from alternative hypothesis to 
alternative hypothesis is 1 − 1√p. In the limit stationary distribution, 
the proportion of alternative is a function of the dimensionality,   in our 

Project 4 --- Multiple Testing under Dependence (Prof. Hongyuan Cao)
Department    Health Studies
Description    With the advancement of technology, more and more data emerge 
with “large p small n” feature, in the sense that the dimensionality (p) 
way exceeds the number of samples (n). This poses challenges for statistical 
inference. For example, when p > n, the sample covariance matrix becomes 
singular while the true covariance matrix is always strictly positive 
definite. The reason is that with the aggregation of errors, even though 
each entry of the covariance matrix can be consistently estimated, the 
overall estimation can still be poor.
Lots of interesting ideas appeared in the literature to address this issue. 
The most influential ones were proposed by Bickel and Levina (2008) by 
banding and thresholding the variance covariance matrix. While Bai (2003) 
first developed inferential theory for high dimensional factor models, Fan, 
Fan and Lv (2008) studied variance covariance matrix estimation using factor 
model when p < n and recently extended it to high dimensional setting.
However, they assume that the factors are observable, which is not realistic 
in lots of situations. We propose to use factor models for high dimensional 
variance and covariance matrix estimation when the factors are unobservable 
and study the impact on multiple testing. In genetics applications, this 
multivariate approach explores the relationship between different genes and 
potentially can yield more refined findings with improved power.

Project 5 --- Studies of Cephalopods, specifically octopuses (Prof. Cliff 
Department    Neurobiology
Description    The cephalopod community remains in the pregenomic age, which is 
now a major barrier to nearly everyone's research program.
There is already transcriptomic and genomic sequence available in my 
laboratory and others for several cephalopods, and we expect to undertake 
the bioinformatics in earnest, sequencing cephalopod genomes, including data sharing.
Computational skills of the student are required.

Project 6 --- Investigations of structural basis with PTP1B (Prof. Marvin W. 
Department    Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Description    We are presently pursuing investigation of the structural basis 
of uncompetitive inhibition by an organic vanadyl chelate against protein 
tyrosine phospyhorylase 1B (PTP1B) using X-ray crystallographic and steady-
statekinetic methods. The chelate is(acetylacetonato)oxovanadium(IV), as 
demonstrated in our laboratory, is the only known uncompetitive inhibitor of 
this enzyme (meaning that it does not bind in the active site).
Because PTP1B is critical to the regulation of cell signaling processes in 
normal, diabetic, and cancer cells, characterization of the binding site 
could generate a unique approach for development of highly specific 
inhibitors for potential therapeutic applications.

Project 7 ---Modeling Ice mélange alter River Flow (Prof. Wendy Zhang)
Department    Physics
Description    Our project involves modeling how ice melange alter river flow 
through a narrowing in the river channel, and comparing the results against 
lab experiments, field data as well as prior results on granular 
flowsthrough chutes. This is a collaboration with Douglas MacAyeal(
Geophysics, U. Chicago) and Jason Amundson (U. Alaska, Juneau), with 
potential interaction with experiments in Michael Dennin's group (U.
California Irvine).

Project 8 ---Variational Principles and Approximate Renormalization Group 
Calculations (Prof. Leo Kadanoff) 
Department    Physics & Math
Description    Efi Effrati, Amy Kolan and Leo Kadanoff have been working on a 
project aimed at bringing an old (1975) renormalization technique up to date 
for the twenty-first century.
This project points to an old method of calculation which has been used to 
get near-critical properties of Ising models and other systems.
Good knowledge of Python, MatLab, or Mathematica is required.

Project 9 ---Entanglement Renormalization: an Introduction (Prof. Leo 
Department    Physics & Math
Description    In recent years, another (rather analogous) method [2] has been 
developed to treat Hamiltonian systems. The methodology has been developed 
further, with new capabilities and a treatment of new problems. The 
capabilities include calculations of correlation functions and conformal 
charges. The problems include quantum phase transitions and topological 
Good knowledge of Python, MatLab, or Mathematica is required.

Project 10 --- Process of extending old methods based upon new methods (Prof.
Leo Kadanoff)
Department    Physics & Math
Description    We are in the process of extending the old methods based upon 
the new methods. We will start with Ising phase transitions in two, three, 
and four dimensions and move on to quantum problems and problems involving 
continuous variables.
Good knowledge of Python, MatLab, or Mathematica is required.

项目8、9、10同时参考:Leo P. Kadanoff is a theoretical physicist and applied 
mathematician who has contributed widely to research in the properties of 
matter, the development of urban areas, statistical models of physical 
systems, and the development of chaos in simple mechanical and fluid 
systems。His best-known contribution was in the development of the concepts 
of " scale invariance" and "universality" as they are applied to phase 
transitions. More recently, he has been involved in the understanding of 
singularities in fluid flow. 

星空体育网页版(中国)官方网站/登录/入口    项目1    项目2    项目3    项目4    项目5    项目6    项目7    *项目8    *项目9    *项目10    小计
物理星空体育网页版(中国)官方网站/登录/入口    1    1                1        3    3    3    12
化星空体育网页版(中国)官方网站/登录/入口                        2                    2
信息星空体育网页版(中国)官方网站/登录/入口                    2                        2
少年班    1    1    1                1    1    1    6
数学星空体育网页版(中国)官方网站/登录/入口            2    2                            4
近代力学系                            4                4
计算机星空体育网页版(中国)官方网站/登录/入口    1    1            1                        3
生命星空体育网页版(中国)官方网站/登录/入口    1    1            1    1                    4
统计系            1    1                            2
小计    3+4或4+3    4    4    4    4    4    4    4    4    39


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